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Hong Kong is one of China's largest cities, one of more than a hundred cities in
China that boast a population of above a million (you've probably never even
heard the names of most of these places). Hong Kong is located in the
South-East of China and is spread over 235 islands. The former British crown
colony was returned to China in 1997, however, it still has a special status
within the country under the "one country - two systems principle".

Lantau Island Hong Kong Island - This is where I used to live and work Lamma Island Tap Mun Chau Island - The Grass Island Cheng Chao Peng Chao Kowloon Macau Shenzhen Po Toi Ping Chau Island New Territories
Please move with your mouse over the map!

...Portrait of Hong Kong Island
...Portrait of Kowloon                
...Portrait of The New Territories
...Portrait of Lantau Island
...Portrait of Lamma Island
...Portrait of Cheng Chau Island
...Portrait of Peng Chau Island
...Portrait of Tap Mun Chau Island
...Portrait of Po Toi
...Portrait of Ping Chau Island

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